Producer, actor and media entrepreneur Vito Glazers was photographed by world famous photographer Paparazzi Gamer while having dinner at BOA Steakhouse in West Hollywood with radio host Fatell and rapper/actor Christopher KID Reid from Kid N Play.

West Hollywood, California / GLAZERS MEDIA / April 15, 2021
More than a dozen producers, actors, rappers, musicians, and entertainment industry professionals gathered on the socially distanced outdoor patio at BOA Steakhouse in West Hollywood to celebrate Rhythm 105.9 on air personality Fatell’s 33rd birthday.
The guest list included Tupac Shakur’s old friend E.D.I. from the Outlawz, Christopher Reid from Kid N Play, Grammy nominated producers Butter and Bizkit, viral musician Will Gittens, The Four contestant Alma Lake, and Vito Glazers. The Paparazzi Gamer was on the scene, capturing the moment for Getty Images and his vlog on YouTube. Subscribe to The Paparazzi Gamer’s Channel and watch the behind the scenes videos here:
Here are some behind the scenes videos now seen anywhere else!