On July 15th, 2022 – Vito Glazers and his partner Torry Hermann met Emmy Award winning actor Jeremy Piven on stage after his sold out show at the Irvine Improv. Vito Glazers last met Jeremy Piven back in 2012, when they were raising money from the Northwest University Theater Program. You can read that story here http://www.triblocal.com/oak-park-river-forest/community/stories/2012/06/internet-ceo-vito-glazers-joins-list-of-chicago-a-listers-supporting-theater-program/index.html

After Piven’s sold out show on July 15th, comedian Torry Hermann and media personality Vito Glazers got to go on stage to meet Jeremy Piven, get a photo together and exchange a few words. All 3 of these creators have had dynamic and diverse careers in various aspects of the entertainment industry, which shows there is never just one way to make it in any industry. To read the full story about what is coming up next for Piven, Glazers and Hermann, read the full story in Irvine Weekly here https://irvineweekly.com/jeremy-piven-meets-vito-glazers-and-torry-hermann-on-stage-at-irvine-improv/