2009-2012 were the most intense years of business for me. 2012-2014 was a lot of wandering and soul searching. 2015 was a rediscovery of the love for creative arts, expression and communication. Much of 2015 was spent politicking. 2016 is the year of execution and delivery. Expression through creative collaborations.

“I love acting because the proof that we are everything, is that you can be anything” – Vito Glazers 2016
Comedy, drama, improv, speaking, writing, music and film production, painting, drawing comics; have all been deep interests for me over the three decades I have spent on earth. The pursuit of financial freedom was, as I am sure is for many, the biggest obstacle in pursuing a creative career. Now that I have paid my dues to the business world and own more of my own time, my first goal was to find the one thing I want to do with the rest of my life. Selling advertising is not what I want to be remembered on this earth for. Mastering communication, influence and having the ability to spread a positive message through the talents of others and the abilities I myself have been blessed with feels like much more of a legacy to leave behind.
Imagine a world without art. In essence, it is what I imagine a world run by communism to look and feel like. Art is the opposite of communism. Art is freedom.
To those artists who are stuck in cubicles, your time will come if you will it. Never stop pursuing creativity. Make it a great year!
Vito Glazers, 2016