These are memes (images) of Vito Glazers from various sources between 2010-2018 (current). For more information on Vito Glazers visit the official homepage at to learn more.

“It’s not about who you know, it’s about who knows you” – Vito Glazers 2018

“Better Busy Than Broke” – Vito Glazers (2013)

To Vito Love Vito (remake of To Kanye Love Kanye meme)

“Workers love Fridays, Bosses love Mondays” – Vito Glazers (2012)

“I always lay low before I come up” – Vito Glazers (2014)

Brittany: “Wait, are you drunk?” Vito: “Please, off twelve drinks?” (2014)

“You can never dress too well, or work too hard” – Vito Glazers (2012)

“Champagne, because no great weekend starts with milk” – Vito Glazers (2014)

“Sales people make friends, Closers make money” – Vito Glazers (2014)

“It’s not your fault if you’re born broke, only if you die that way” – Vito Glazers (2014)

President George W. Bush and Vito Glazers “GOT BUSH” meme (2011)

“I don’t drink anymore, But I’m not drinking any less” – Vito Glazers (2014)

“Ideas are only as good as the people and money behind them” – Vito Glazers (2015)

“Imitation is flattering” – Vito Glazers (2014)

“God Bless America” – Vito Glazers July 4th 2010

“Your net worth is your network” – Vito Glazers (2015)

“Never Settle” – Vito Glazers (2015)

“Never sold out, I bought in” – Vito Glazers (2014)

“Normal is boring” – Vito Glazers (2014)

“Opportunity should never control your loyalty” – Vito Glazers (2013)

“Outer space, Inner peace” – Vito Glazers (2014)

Meme mashup of Vito Glazers on Mystery Millionaire and Mancow TV

“May your coffee be strong, and your Monday be profitable” – Vito Glazers (2014)

“If you don’t take risks, you will always work for someone who does” – Vito Glazers on Mancow (2014)

“Think it, write it, achieve it” – Vito Glazers (2011)

“Take control of your life, before it controls you” – Vito Glazers (2014)

“Two things I don’t care about, 1) what he said 2) what she said” – Vito Glazers (2015)

“Would rather have late nights than late bills” – Vito Glazers 2015

Never Sold Out, I Bought In (2015)

“Some people spend so much time chasing everything, they end up with nothing” 2016

“All that we are is a result of our thoughts” (2017)

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” – Vito Glazers 2017

Vito Glazers – Top Digital Entrepreneurs – Forbes 2018